Category: Music

New-ish album-ish: Nuts

A small assortment of fun and surprising tunes. Hit play and keep reading! (There are no lyrics to distract you.)

This half-album came out a few months ago, on November 21st, 2019. However, just a few days prior to the release date, I broke my hand, which was a lot to deal with, so I wasn’t able to spruik it much. (Nonetheless, it got a lovely mention on Discchord, and Fire Extinguisher was reviewed enthusiastically by Beatradar, too!)

Whenever you upload something to one of these music publishing services, they ask you what genre it is. I never know what to tell them, so I’ve decided that my style of music is called ‘jumblepop’. When I decide what that means, I’ll write a manifesto for you. That’s the done thing.

If you enjoy my Nuts, someone else might too! Share them with a friend; add them to your Spotify playlists; write a two-sentence review on Bandcamp; post them on social media — all those little things can have a big effect in the long run. So thank you! Links ahoy:

You’ll also be able to find it on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and every other thing. Thanks for listening! (Also buying. Buying is nice too.)

I’ll leave you with the reasonably glorious album cover, featuring that alien cat girl again. Perhaps she is this… ‘Melody Zone’ we have heard about.

Relax, Will Ya?

I am pleased beyond mortal understanding to present my new album of relaxing music. You can tell it’s relaxing from the title!

Relax, Will Ya? - Patrick Alexander's Melody Zone - Japanese promo image

You can listen to it on bandcamp, and it’s also available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and everywhere else digital music is available.

[bandcamp width=400 height=307 album=1755521648 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]

It’s 45 minutes long. Every track is longer than 7 minutes, and slower than 95 BPM. It’s strange, playful and fantastical, but genuinely relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. It’s pleasant BGM but rewards attentive listening, becoming quite hypnotic and sensational. Recommended for:

  • Cafés
  • Breakfasts
  • Café breakfasts
  • Sunday afternoons
  • Naps
  • Seeing how your cats react to it
  • Bubble baths
  • Lovemaking??? (Try it and report back)

I ‘pre-released’ this album on bandcamp a week ago, and here are some of the responses (genuine and unsolicited) so far:

  • “An aural stroll through a dreamy little suburb, sleepy and strange and lost in time”
  • “Aliens sing me a lullaby”
  • “It makes me feel very Ghibly inside”
  • Relax, Will Ya? is stunning in its musicality, as well as its absurdity. … I can’t overstate how oddly relaxing the melodies are.” (Tim Webb,
  • “Good lord! Love the sonic textures and stupid adorable melodies!”
  • “Relaxing, but very focused with intent. … I would compare this favorably with Tomita and Disney classics. A shroom journey for sure.”
  • “It’s ear candy AND brain candy!”
  • “A trip to another world, fascinating and unpredictable”
  • “Absolutely brilliant!”
  • “Awesome and weird”
  • “Totally different than anything I could ever imagine … Just letting it play and being surprised by what comes next! It’s a journey and mind drifter. Very fresh man very fresh!”
  • “Incredible work! Listening to this made my day!!!”
  • “This is really fucking good”

It really is! It really is. Once again: BandcampiTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and everywhere. On bandcamp, I’ve set the album to “Name your price”, meaning you can download it for free or pay $10,000 for it. The point is, you can recommend it freely, because everyone can afford it. Listen, enjoy, comment, and please, please share! Thank you!

Tobias and Jube Euphonious Companion — illustrations and lyric videos

Hey, remember last year, I released a new Tobias and Jube comic and an album of songs to go with that comic? Of course you do! It’s the last thing I posted about. Hello again!

After making that comic, and the album about the comic, I then made illustrations for each of the songs! And then I made lyric videos for the songs, using the illustrations as backgrounds. The first two are even a little bit animated. Just a tiny bit. Pretty cool!

[ And here is the playlist page on youtube. ]
Watch and sing along! What fun! WHAT FUN.

I also used the illustrations to make these little ‘promo squares’ for each of the songs, to promote them on social media, since social media just loves squares these days.

What’s that? You haven’t heard and/or purchased Tobias and Jube and the Something Hat Mystery: The Euphonious Companion yet?? I’m so sorry; I didn’t realise. You can listen to it on bandcamp and also search for it on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and every other place digital music can be found.

Tobias and Jube and the Something Hat Mystery — comics and music!

Hello everyone, did I mention my new Tobias and Jube comic? I can’t recall. Anyway, it’s called Tobias and Jube and the Something Hat Mystery and the first chapter is up on the Stela app right now! It’ll run for five weeks; one chapter per week. It’s basically 50-something print pages, in total — a little book, like an Asterix book! It is also, would you believe, suitable for all ages. And ‘all ages’ doesn’t mean ‘children’, it means ALL AGES — I’m looking at you, Granddad! You think I can’t see you curled up on the floor behind the recliner? Granddad? Oh, the old silent treatment, eh? The old silent and motionless except for sporadic twitching treatment, is that it, old man? Pathetic.

I’m exceptionally proud of Tobias and Jube and the Something Hat Mystery and excited for you all to enjoy it. It’s not free — you do have to buy it (god, I know) — but at least you can buy it without leaving your house! FRESH LAUGHTER AND NATURAL HUMAN DELIGHTS, EVERY WEEK. And phwoar, look at those gorgeous colours by Lin Visel. Pages of that good stuff. Get into it.

BUT WAIT. Did you think that was all? “Oh, he’s made the funniest comic in the history of the medium, surely that’s enough for one man” — was that you just now?

[shakes head sadly while throwing head backwards in flamboyant laughter]

  • “I don’t think I’ve smiled this much listening to an album… ever? Ever.”
  • “I would say this feels like the soundtrack to a mysterious, quirk-laden Japanese PS2 game, but it’s the soundtrack to a wonderful comic!”
  • “I almost choked on my own snot listening to this. Patrick you are wonderful. My new anthem here.”
  • “This unironically owns.”
  • “That record is like some evil corrupt maniac formed the second coming of the Bonzos just to corrupt the minds of children.”
  • “That was brilliant! … What an inventive track, nice to hear something different.”
  • “Holy shit! This is hilarious and great!”
  • “The most fun you can have without burning down a church.”

— Comments already received from authentic fellow humans

Yes, Tobias and Jube and the Something Hat Mystery is also a 30-minute album of amazing songs, subtitled The Euphonious Companion, which makes quite a long and grandiose title altogether, but I promise it’s not prog, IT’S NOT PROG. It is a POP album but WEIRD POP and oh my goodness, remember how the comic is the #1 and sole greatest thing I’ve ever done? Well the album is also the #1 and sole greatest thing I’ve ever done! How is this possible? It’s not. It’s a miracle.

Bandcamp! iTunes and Apple Music! Spotify! Google Play! Soundcloud! And Amazon and Deezer and even Saavn, and other places too — just search for the album. And you can even Shazam all of these songs, which is really cool. If you play my songs at a party, people can go, “Siri, what is this stream of pure, rainbow-flavoured delight? I must know!”

It is a DELIGHTFUL album; that is the word I keep using. You will be delighted. It’s only a short album — go to Bandcamp and have a listen. You will feel delight, I promise. This isn’t cartoonist music, this is cartoonist AND musician music. You’ve been waiting for it, bored with everything else, and now, here it is.

“Patrick I bought the album and subscribed to the comic, I am into this Tobias and Jube thing, help me!”

Tobias and Jube prints and goods at redbubble! Tobias and Jube stamps for Line messenger! Old-school Tobias and Jube comics that I’d hoped to have rescanned and recoloured by now, oh well! You want more?? Tell me about it! No, actually tell me about it. Thanks.

Thanks for enjoying my work, and thanks in advance for telling your friends and social networks about it! It makes a big difference; you have no idea.

tl;dr: Lots of new Tobias and Jube stuff! Here and here. Hooray!

Sound Club Sweet

Enjoy cute tune!
Use in your videogame!
Neko and wan-wan, hello!


Maybe not exactly a chiptune album, but a chiptune album in spirit. Cute, beep-boop-videogamey tunes that tell a story, possibly about the kitty and the doggie on the cover, but that’s up to you.

If you’re not downloading the .ZIP already… have a listen!

01 – Cooperation

02 – Daydreaming – with Rebecca Clements

03 – Where are we?

04 – Wandering and Wondering

05 – Everything Fits Together

06 – Death

07 – Mr Fun

08 – Für Rebecca

09 – Collaboration and Friendship – with Rebecca Clements

10 – Ready for Anything


12 – The Journey Home

I wouldn’t mind terribly at all if the music of Sound Club Sweet compelled you, through tears of joy, to pay for it. If you enjoy it; if you find yourself listening to it more than almost never, please consider making a PayPal donation. (I suggest $5.00, but whatever’s good for you.) There’s absolutely no obligation, but it does help me to pay the bills and devote time to more entertaining projects like this one. Thank you!

Sound Club Sweet began in November 2009 as a handful of tunes created for the ‘assemblee’ competition. I just created some music and threw it out there, for anyone to use in his or her game. In the same spirit, you are welcome and encouraged to use the music of Sound Club Sweet in your videogame, or any other project. Please ask for my permission first, but don’t worry — I’ll probably say yes. ‘Looping’ versions of all the tunes are available here: [ DOWNLOAD .ZIP (17 MB) ]

Relevant links:

Thank you! Have a cute time with Sound Club Sweet.

— Patrick Alexander (パッチ)

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas (2007)


For a generation (and I’m talkin’ ‘bout my generation) raised on Bart Simpson and the Internet, the word ‘sentimental’ sounds like an insult. Sentiment is for Grandma and Grandpa – it’s an old-fashioned value, to be regarded with suspicion. Well I say, to hell with that.

What are we so afraid of, that we can’t share some warm, sentimental feelings, especially at this time of year? Sentiment doesn’t drop bombs on people or arrest negroes disproportionately. Sentiment is what makes us love our country; sentiment is why, no matter how old we get, no place will ever feel like home quite like Mom and Dad’s. And sentiment is how, for just one day of the year, everyone on Earth can join together and focus on what’s really important: Love, Joy and Family.

This is an album of original songs about just those things. I sang them with all my heart. I know that sounds ‘cheesy’ – and believe me, the music does too! But I hope you can put aside your ‘internet rage’ for a little while, and enjoy some good old-fashioned Holiday tunes. Who knows? You just might find yourself singing along.

You might even find yourself smiling. :)

All the best,

Patrick Alexander
Shizuoka, Japan
Christmas 2007

It’s The Song That People Listen To (Before Reading Raymondo Person)

It’s The Song That People Listen To (Before Reading Raymondo Person)

by DJ Unlikely Career Choice

Now with karaoke version!

DOWNROAD IT (157 kb)

We Are – One (2000)

One – an albette by We Are

© 2000 Patrick A Reid (Patrick Alexander) and John Gynther

Download .ZIP (28 MB) — MP3s, artwork and PDF notes and lyrics

Side Two

The Director’s Cut
Jam Scones
Chickens In The Farm
The Fury Of The Gods
U Anagram U

Side Three

Welcome Back
Ballet Shoes
The White Mice Will Be Furious
You Have No Excuse
Thirteen Point Four
Potato Party

Thirteen songs written and sung by my teenaged self, and played on instruments by Johnny G. Now with artwork based on the original cassette artwork, and a PDF with all the lyrics!

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