The Editorial Cartoon of the Century

The nightmare that was 2020 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2021!

One year earlier…

The nightmare that was 2019 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2020!

One year earlier…

The nightmare that was 2018 will soon be over. Let’s all look forward to a better year in 2019!

And so on and so on. I’m very, very tired of this “Whew! What a year!” editorial fluff — the same every December; haven’t they noticed yet? Meanwhile, to those who actually do things, big or small, to make the future better; to those who try to understand the underlying causes of these ongoing, worsening problems and choose their words, actions, and politics accordingly: my respect and thanks.

I do believe that the future can be better. But in the meantime, here it is, the editorial cartoon of the century!

The Editorial Cartoon of the Century

Look for some variation on this (or several) in about a week from now, wherever hacky American editorial cartoons can be found. And look again a year after that, and a year after that, and every year forever until we get booted off the cliff.


My comics websites are down


Comedy Purgatory: it’s a podcast

1 Comment

  1. YES! Thank you! I’m so sick of seeing this take, like there’s something mystical and transformational about the year changing. I should save this cartoon and send it to anyone who ever sends me any memes about how the current year is bad.

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