Most things I do, I put on the internet. But here are some things other than those!
I have an illustration in the back pages of the new edition of Ben Hutchings‘ truly exceptionally brilliant Lesson Master mini, which doesn’t seem to be available to buy in his internet shop at this exact instant, but I’m sure it will be before too long. In the meantime you can buy his other stuff; it’s all worth it. UPDATE: It’s there now!
You might particularly like to buy his big ol’ Tootleg Boy anthology CD, because I have an illustration in that, too! In full colour, even. Also because it’s a fucking masterpiece. (Ben’s CD, I mean. Not my illustration.) (My illustration is pretty good though.)
Tides of Hope
My friend Tim McEwen asked me, and many other talented Australian cartoonists (and possibly a few shit ones), to contribute to Tides of Hope, a special anthology to raise money for the Queensland Got Flooded and God’s Not Paying For It Fund, which I’m sure has a proper name that I could google very, very easily; it wouldn’t take more than ten seconds. Tides of Hope will be sold at the upcoming Supanova conventions in Melbourne and Sydney, for $10 a copy, every cent of which goes to the Aforementioned Fund. If they sell all 1000 copies, that’ll be $10,000 for Queensland, and we can all feel good about that.
My contribution to Tides of Hope is dumb as hell, which should surprise the opposite of as many people as the comic will delight and amuse, which is to say, respectively, no-one, and everyone.
Dark Horse Presents
Oh, gosh! I’m going to be published in the new Dark Horse Presents, from issue #1 and INTO INFINITYYYYY. Issue #1 comes out on April 20th, and will look, I’m led to understand, like this:

I think this is an early version of the cover design, before they added “FEATURING PATRICK ALEXANDER” in huge letters above the title.
This first issue has just a couple of Hilarity Comics you’ve already seen… but have you seen them ON PAPER?? Have you seen them alongside actual, proper comics by serious cartoonists like Frank Miller, Richard Corben, and Many Others, and giggled like a loon at how ludicrous it is, that I am in there — Patrick Alexander and his silly, poorly drawn farty blob-monsters. What’s he doing here? Who invited him?
Issue #2 will feature an eight-page gag comic by me, in sexy full colour, never before seen by human eyes. More about that closer to when it comes out — which is in June, I think.
Dark Horse Presents seems like it’s going to be slightly incredible, and I’m excited to be involved.
(Richard Corben is the guy who did the cover for Bat out of Hell.)