I put together a big, fat sketchbook PDF, featuring 190+ pages of doodles, notes, sketches, drawings and miscellany, from 2009-ish to 2012-ish. You can buy it for a single god-fearin’ dollar at gumroad.
- Raymondo Person wearing hats
- Phrases of Power and Mystery (incl. MP3)
- Margin doodles from university
- Life drawings, too
- A comic I drew on a box of asian groceries
- An early, not-yet-Al-Hartley’d version of Charlie in Truth or Dairy
- More than a few Garfields
- Weird stuff I can’t explain easily
- All known things in the cosmos
If you’re a fan of my work, including/especially the dodgy stuff, there’s something in here for you. If you want a better idea of what’s inside, I’m posting some of the contents under this ‘doodle-book’ tag on my tumblr.
Buy that for a dollar.
EDIT: Now you can buy it from sellfy, too, if you prefer to use paypal.
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